Friday, January 30, 2009

A New Member

With the end of my career at SPAO coming to an end soon, I will lose a vast supply of equipment available for use. So I bought a 4x5 Busch Press Camera on Ebay after extensive research.

It came today in the mail, alongside a hefty customs fee. Worth the wait and fee, however. It was a slightly nerve-racking two weeks of waiting, after having heard bad stories of friends buying non-existent Macbooks and selling lenses to buyers in Nigeria that wildly steal your money and lenses. And so, I was very relieved to meet the Canada Post man with a big box of styrofoam nubby things, cradling a beautiful camera.

Here are some celebratory shots...      (actually, they're at the top.)

1 comment:

doseger said...

wondered if we could use one of these shots for our upcoming homemade handmade issue of Hatch magazine? we need photographers of your ilk and stature.

please drop me a note.
shari doseger's partner in parenting and crime fighting...
Al Doseger